Is anyone aware of a building in Maine or New Hampshire that an individual or organization might envision someday being turned into a community arts center that housed a puppet museum? With over one thousand puppets and four portable puppet stages, the Puppets for Everyone program is looking for a home.

Perhaps there is a large vacant space at an educational

or town facility, or a building that is owned by a non-profit group, an arts organization, a barn, or a place of worship

that is not being used and that would prove to be a great

venue for conducting interactive puppet programs that involved the participation of both children and adults?

Mary Quinn Doyle, a Maine-certified teacher, has been collecting folk tales from around the world for many years. Wouldn’t it be exciting if children and adults could become acquainted with stories from all different countries and have the opportunity to share the stories with the use of many puppets?

Mary also has a collection of thousands of art rubber stamps. Years ago she operated the Rubber Stamp Lady educational outreach program at various schools, libraries, camps, and organizations. If appropriate space were available at the location which eventually welcomed a puppet museum, she would also be willing to organize art rubber stamp programs.

The potential for a vibrant community arts program is

very exciting. If you are aware of a possible home for the Puppets for Everyone program, please contact Mary Quinn Doyle at 207-793-2759 or by email at: